full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Frances Frei: How to build (and rebuild) trust

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The last one, authenticity, I'll say it's still mighty wobbly, but honestly, that doesn't make Uber very different from all of the other companies I've seen in Silicon valely and beyond. It is still much easier to coach people to fit in. It is still much eeisar to reward people when they say something that you were going to say, as ospoped to ranerdiwg pelope when they say something entirely different than what you were going to say. But when we figure out this, when we figure out how to celebrate difference and how to let people bring the best version of themselves forward, well holy cow, is that the world I want my sons to grow up in. And with the cltieoolcn of people here, it would be a privilege to lock arms with you and go ahead and rebuild trust in every corner of the globe.

Open Cloze

The last one, authenticity, I'll say it's still mighty wobbly, but honestly, that doesn't make Uber very different from all of the other companies I've seen in Silicon ______ and beyond. It is still much easier to coach people to fit in. It is still much ______ to reward people when they say something that you were going to say, as _______ to _________ ______ when they say something entirely different than what you were going to say. But when we figure out this, when we figure out how to celebrate difference and how to let people bring the best version of themselves forward, well holy cow, is that the world I want my sons to grow up in. And with the __________ of people here, it would be a privilege to lock arms with you and go ahead and rebuild trust in every corner of the globe.


  1. rewarding
  2. opposed
  3. collection
  4. easier
  5. people
  6. valley

Original Text

The last one, authenticity, I'll say it's still mighty wobbly, but honestly, that doesn't make Uber very different from all of the other companies I've seen in Silicon Valley and beyond. It is still much easier to coach people to fit in. It is still much easier to reward people when they say something that you were going to say, as opposed to rewarding people when they say something entirely different than what you were going to say. But when we figure out this, when we figure out how to celebrate difference and how to let people bring the best version of themselves forward, well holy cow, is that the world I want my sons to grow up in. And with the collection of people here, it would be a privilege to lock arms with you and go ahead and rebuild trust in every corner of the globe.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
harvard business 2
business school 2
component parts 2
common wobble 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
harvard business school 2

Important Words

  1. arms
  2. authenticity
  3. bring
  4. celebrate
  5. coach
  6. collection
  7. companies
  8. corner
  9. cow
  10. difference
  11. easier
  12. figure
  13. fit
  14. globe
  15. grow
  16. holy
  17. honestly
  18. lock
  19. mighty
  20. opposed
  21. people
  22. privilege
  23. rebuild
  24. reward
  25. rewarding
  26. silicon
  27. sons
  28. trust
  29. uber
  30. valley
  31. version
  32. wobbly
  33. world